Drill Sets

Structured dry fire & handgun drill sets.

Random Set Favorites

Primary Skills

Environment Needed

Level Up Handgun Training

FREE Drill Set

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Handgun Skill Standards

Establish a baseline for key practical pistol shooting skills, which can be used to measure skill progression.

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Split Distance

Improve distance change up transitions by engaging multiple targets as if they were one target.


Wide and Close

Work on wide and narrow transitions at the same time.

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Maintain visual patience engaging multiple targets at varying distances.


Falling Out

A simple skill isolation drill focusing on position exits.

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Break the Shot

Boost vision speed and shoot the exact moment the sights enter the area of acceptable accuracy.


Fast Entries

Get ready to shoot the moment the target becomes available to get shots off sooner.


Criss Cross

Improve throttle control on target transitions.


Distance Changeup

Improve throttle control to engage targets at varying distances.