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What is the Falling Out Drill?
Practical pistol is dynamic – dynamic shooting means movement. After all, if a gunfight breaks out – it is natural to boogie it out of there. Being able to accurately put shots on target while beginning to leave a position is what this drill is all about.
The Simple Exit drill is a skill isolation drill focusing on the ability to put shots on target while beginning to leave a position.
This drill can be run with minimal space and it can be easily adapted or combined with other drills.
Drill Setup
- 2 Targets with 1 yard laterally between the targets, one target at 3 yards and one at 9 yards.
- Start position: Gun loaded in hand at the low ready
- 8 shots required, 4 shots per string
The target array can be simulated at 3 yards with a full size target and a third size target.
Drill Steps
- At the beep, engage the two targets with two shots, starting with the far target then near target
- While engaging the two targets, begin shifting your body weight in the direction of movement
- After breaking the last shot on target instantly start moving laterally
- Reset for the second string
- At the beep, engage the two targets with two shots, starting with the near target then far target
- While engaging the two targets, begin shifting your body weight in the direction of movement
- After breaking the last shot on target instantly start moving laterally
Run this drill repeatedly moving in different directions.
Drill Modifications
- Add a reload upon the exit – initiate the reload the instant the last shot breaks.
- Use a steel target for the far target
Drill Tips
Exiting sooner means slowly shifting your weight in the direction of movement while engaging the targets. For the close target, it’s possible to full on start to take a step while engaging the close target with two shots. How aggressively you exit depends on the difficulty of the target.
When moving, start the movement with small/fast accelerating steps. The more steps you take, the longer the strides can get. This will help smoothly accelerate in a controlled fashion.
Drill Diagnostics
When leaving, make sure your eyes stay on target until the last shot breaks. Be sure to see where your sights are for the last shot. It’s common for people to look ahead in the direction of movement too early. The gun will follow the eyes and transition off the target, creating a mystery miss.
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Drill Environment
More Drill Modifications
Modifications to focus on: Conceal Carry
- Add walls to lean around - More info »
- Move through a door - More info »
- Start drills with something in your hand - More info »
- Start from a seated position - More info »
- Turn the lights out and use a flashlight - More info »
- Use a variety of your daily wear clothing - More info »
Further Training with:
Distance Changeup, Position Entries