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Train with structure and intentionality in order to improve shooting skills quickly and efficiently.
Dry fire is the something every shooter should be doing to obtain proficiency with firearms.
The ability to get a gun out of the holster and onto target quickly, efficiently, and accurately is critical for any defensive gun owner.
In practical pistol shooting it is critical to be as accurate as possible as quickly as possible. One without the other is worthless.
Transitions are a critical practical pistol shooting skill for engaging multiple targets, and it even helps with engaging moving targets.
Practical pistol shooting is not static shooting. The ability to shoot on the move in a dynamic environment is a key skill.
Shooting on the move is great, but it has limitations. Sometimes we have to get stationary in a hurry to take shots. The sooner we're set up, the sooner we shoot.
Studying my Dragon’s Cup and reviewing identifying opportunities for me to move.
Accuracy at Speed, Vision Speed
Pushing speed beyond what is comfortable is the fastest way to get faster.
The debate between competition and tactical shooting continues to rage – but it really shouldn’t be a debate at all.
Retrieve a handgun from a holster efficiently & consistently, then present the sights on target with sufficient precision for the area of acceptable accuracy.