Don’t Stop Moving
Work on "leave sooner, shoot sooner" so position entries and exits are practically just shooting on the move.

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What is the Don’t Stop Moving Drill?
Shooting on the move is often seen as slowly walking in a direction while engaging targets – which isn’t wrong. But shooting on the move really is any form of shooting where the body is moving from position to position. So quick entries and exits can be a form of shooting on the move.
This drill is intended to help “shoot sooner and leave sooner.”
In fact, the goal is to leave so “soon” after entering the shooting box that you never fully setup in each position.
Drill Setup
- 1 target at 7 yards from the back boxes. Four shooting positions forming a square with 3 yards between the positions.
- Start position: standing in one of the positions, gun loaded and holstered, wrists below belt.
- 8 shots required
Drill Steps
- Draw and engage the target with two shots
- Move to the next shooting box, engage with two shots
- Move to the next shooting box, engage with two shots
- Move to the next shooting box, engage with two shots
Drill Modifications
- If you’re having to fully setup in each position to get hits, try moving the shooting boxes closer
- If you’re easily getting hits in each position, try moving the shooting boxes farther
- Move the shooting boxes closer or further apart
- This drill could easily be modified to start at the low ready, eliminating the need for a gun belt or holster.
Drill Tips
There’s two parts to this drill – being ready to shoot while entering the position and shooting while exiting the position. Both of those two parts don’t require a perfectly still dead center sight picture – they just need a “good enough” sight picture in the area of acceptable accuracy.
When entering a position, be sure to have the gun up, sights acquired, and on target or close to on target. The goal is to have the sights on target jjjuuuuusssssst before fully into the position. Get the sights up too early and movement will slow down, get the sights up too late and you’ll be standing there wasting time while getting the sights on target.
Drill Diagnostics
Vision is key with all drills, and this is no exception. Pay super close attention to the sights while entering and exiting. Work to call shots – you should know if the shots were going to hit the target without having to look at bullet holes in the target.
Don't know what drills to run to meet your goals?
Try out a virtual training call to talk with Brian about shooting goals, training methods, and drills to best meet those goals.
Drill Environment
More Drill Modifications
Modifications to focus on: Conceal Carry
- Add walls to lean around - More info »
- Move through a door - More info »
- Start drills with something in your hand - More info »
- Start from a seated position - More info »
- Turn the lights out and use a flashlight - More info »
- Use a variety of your daily wear clothing - More info »
Further Training with:

Distance Changeup, Position Exits
Falling Out

Distance Changeup, Position Entries