
46 dry fire & live fire handgun drills.

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Primary Skills

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Find Drill Sets Level Up Handgun Training

Transition Isolation

Establish and push a baseline for transition speed.


Quick Step

Have the gun up and ready to shoot the moment you enter a new position.


Click Transition

Improve transitions by initiating the transition the moment the last shot on target breaks.


Vision Progression

Improve vision speed to boost the accuracy and speed of transitions.

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Split Distance

Improve distance change up transitions by engaging multiple targets as if they were one target.


Lead with the Eyes

The gun go where the eye leads, so fast eyes means a fast gun.


Follow the Eyes

Improve the accuracy of transitions by bringing the sights to the eyes.

Burkett Reload

A reload focused micro drill – great for supplementing other reload drills.


Split Bill Drill

Improve transitions by engaging multiple targets as if it were a single target.


Wide and Close

Work on wide and narrow transitions at the same time.

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Don’t Stop Moving

Work on “leave sooner, shoot sooner” so position entries and exits are practically just shooting on the move.


El Presidente / El Prez

Turn and draw, clear array, reload, clear array.

Quick Reload

Work to reload on the move so fast it takes just a few steps to be ready to shoot again.

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Perfect the Index

Perfect the ability to look at a target and instinctively get the sights on target without any correction needed.


Build & Release Tension

Reduce the most common un-diagnosed problem in shooters – excessive tension.

Bar Hop

Step so smoothly that you don’t need to stop shooting.


Look Up

Improve target acquisition speed and natural index to shoot sooner.


Falling Out

A simple skill isolation drill focusing on position exits.

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Break the Shot

Boost vision speed and shoot the exact moment the sights enter the area of acceptable accuracy.


Fast Entries

Get ready to shoot the moment the target becomes available to get shots off sooner.


Moving Draw

Practice drawing the gun like it was a defensive encounter – on the move!

Drop the Phone

Practice clearing your hands while drawing your pistol.

Designated Target

Improve transitions in both directions with varying distances.