Two on the Move

Improve shooting and transitioning on the move.

What is the Two on the Move Drill?

Shooting on the move is an extremely important skill for competitors and defensive shooters alike.

Civilian defensive encounters generally involve everyone scattering the moment the stuff hits the fan and a flurry of gunfire until everyone runs away or one of the parties is neutralized. Being able to put accurate shots on target while moving makes you harder to hit and makes it easier to hit the other guy.

Practical Pistol Competitions, like USPSA, IDPA, IPSC, or 3 Gun, regularly involve opportunities to shoot on the move and shooting accurately on the move is one of the best ways to improve placement on the standings.

This drill involves starting at a standstill, drawing and moving on one direction, and engaging two targets while still moving in the same direction.

The drill is repeated so you move in all four directions to ensure a well rounded skill set.

Moving forward is the easiest and a great opportunity to build confidence and skill in shooting on the move.

Moving laterally is a challenge and is a very distinct possibility in a defensive encounter.

Moving backwards is the hardest and is also a very distinct possibility for a defensive encounter.

Being skilled in all four makes it easy to move in any direction and engage targets effectively on the move.

How to Setup

Drill Setup

  • 2 Targets with one target width between them at 7 yards.
  • Start position: Hands at sides, wrists below belt. Gun holstered. Feet touching start mark in a “natural” stance.
  • 16 shots required, 4 shots per string
How to Dry Fire

Drill Steps

  1. At the beep, draw and move to the right, engaging each target with two shots.
  2. Reset for the next string.
  3. At the beep, draw and move to the left, engaging each target with two shots.
  4. Reset for the next string.
  5. At the beep, draw and move backwards, engaging each target with two shots.
  6. Reset for the next string, but don’t return to the starting point.
  7. At the beep, draw and move forwards, engaging each target with two shots.
How to Mod

Drill Modifications

  • To work on diagonal movement, put markers in a box shape with two yards along the edge of the box. Run the drill in a similar manner but move diagonally from corner to corner.
  • To push speed, move the markers closer to the targets.
  • To push precision, move the markers farther from the targets.
  • To work on smoothing out the movement so the sights bounce less, don’t pull the trigger at all. Just move the sights back and forth between the two targets for several steps.

Drill Tips

Pay extremely close attention attention to the gun’s sights. Watch how they bounce and when they bounce. When your foot hits the ground, they’ll bounce. Try to time the shots so you don’t pull the trigger when they bounce.

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Drill Diagnostics

The most important diagnosis for this tool is the sights. While that’s generally true for any drill, it’s especially true in this case. The single end all be all to measure this drill is how much the sights bounce and wobble while moving. It is very common for shooters to step hard and bounce the sights with each step. Try and walk smoothly so you don’t disturb the sights with each step.

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Drill Environment

More Drill Modifications

Modifications to focus on: Conceal Carry

Modifications to focus on: General Modifications

Modifications to focus on: Movement

Modifications to focus on: Push Speed

  • Broaden what is considered “acceptable accuracy” - More info »
  • Decrease the distance laterally between targets - More info »
  • Increase the distance laterally between targets - More info »
  • Move targets closer - More info »
  • Put a black dot on the main point of aim on the target - More info »

Modifications to focus on: Tighten Accuracy

Modifications to focus on: Transitions

  • Decrease the distance laterally between targets - More info »
  • Don’t pull the trigger during transitions - More info »
  • Increase the distance laterally between targets - More info »
  • Transition from outside targets of an array and work inwards - More info »

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