One Hand to the Other

A single drill to cover single handed shooting for both hands.

What is the One Hand to the Other Drill?

It is a safe bet that there are near zero practical pistol shooter’s who’s favorite way to shoot a pistol is with one hand. After all, we can shoot much faster and maintain accuracy at speed with two hands on the gun. But one handed shooting is a valuable skill to learn, even if it isn’t as “fun” and we would much rather shoot with two hands when possible.

For the defensive pistol shooter, there is a chance that one handed shooting might be required. You might need to hold something in one hand that you can’t drop, like a kid, or you might get shot and not have full function in one arm. Both of these scenarios are rare – but we’re training for a rare event as it is. If we are going to be prepared, we need to really be prepared.

For competition shooters, stage descriptions will require one handed shooting. Instead of groaning about how much you suck at one handed shooting – why not turn it into a strength? Why not use one handed stages as an opportunity to gain ground on the competition.

Running a one handed drill a few times each training session can go a long way into turning this common weakness into a strength.

This particular one handed shooting drill covers the key aspects of one handed shooting – both right and left hand one handed, one handed transitions, and switching the gun between hands.

Just run this drill for a few minutes every training session. It won’t take long and it will make a big difference.

How to Setup

Drill Setup

  • 3 Targets at 7 yards, with one yard between targets
  • Start position: Gun loaded and holstered, wrists below belt
  • 12 Rounds required
How to Dry Fire

Drill Steps

  1. At the beep, draw and engage the three targets with two shots each, primary hand only
  2. Reload and transition the gun to the support hand
  3. Engage the three targets with two shots each, support hand only
How to Mod

Drill Modifications

  • For competitive shooters, add a reload and/or short movement during the transition. Many one handed transitions on a stage have a reload between each hand and regularly include movement during the switch as well.

Drill Tips

The best tip for this drill is to simply do it. Humans all have some level of an ego. We like to do and practice things we are good at because it makes us feel good. But the only way to get good (or great) at something is through working on it. One handed shooting so often falls by the wayside because we aren’t as good at one handed shooting. Even people who are really good at one handed shooting can still shoot better two handed. So the best tip for one handed shooting is to simply practice one handed shooting. 2 minutes of one handed shooting every dry fire session can go a very long way.

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Drill Diagnostics

Watch out for sloppy grips. Since we don’t get as many repetitions shooting one handed, it’s easy to get a sloppy grip. Quality reps are important, so be sure to get a good grip every time. Correct the grip of a sloppy grip is formed – don’t stop and reset a drill because of a messed up grip. Fix the grip and keep working through it.

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Drill Environment

More Drill Modifications

Modifications to focus on: Conceal Carry

Modifications to focus on: General Modifications

Modifications to focus on: Movement

Modifications to focus on: Push Speed

  • Broaden what is considered “acceptable accuracy” - More info »
  • Decrease the distance laterally between targets - More info »
  • Increase the distance laterally between targets - More info »
  • Move targets closer - More info »
  • Put a black dot on the main point of aim on the target - More info »

Modifications to focus on: Tighten Accuracy

Modifications to focus on: Transitions

  • Decrease the distance laterally between targets - More info »
  • Don’t pull the trigger during transitions - More info »
  • Increase the distance laterally between targets - More info »
  • Transition from outside targets of an array and work inwards - More info »

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