Clerk Grabs Gun From Armed Robber – Wait for Your Counter Ambush
This is definitely one worth watching as it provides a real good laugh. When attacked, wait for your opportunity to turn the tables, and when it presents itself, take it.

Criminals are not known for their intelligence that’s for sure. To them, the firearm is an intimidation tool to obtain the items they wish to steal. This requires the criminals to get in close to get what they want even though a firearm is a distance tool – this allows self defenders to turn the tables on the robbers if they wait for their opportunity.
This is definitely one worth watching as it provides a real good laugh.
Wait your turn for the counter ambush
Since criminals get to set the time and place of the crime, they have the benefits of the ambush. The vast majority of the time, compliance is the best first move during an armed attack. When a gun is pointed at you, there aren’t many alternatives.
However, there is often an opportunity to turn the tables on an attacker and gain control of the situation. Comply to the best of your abilities and wait for that window. When the window of opportunity presents itself, take it as quickly and decisively as you can.
Compliance does not guarantee safety
By definition, criminals do not obey the law. They do not hold any respect for your life and well being. Complying with an armed attacker does not guarantee your safety. They might decide to take you hostage, to murder you anyways just because, or to murder you to eliminate a witness. You do not know what is going through the head of the criminal in front of you.
Who do you trust more – the criminal in front of you, or your skills to use your sidearm to turn the tables on the attacker?
Written by Brian Purkiss - always a student, sometimes a teacher.
I don't consider myself a competition shooter - I think of myself as a performance pistol shooter. I am all about performing at as high of a level as possible. Towards that end, I am obsessive about learning how to perform. I spend a lot of my life learning from the best across the entire firearms world and even into other areas of performance and other sports. I am a USPSA Carry Optics Grandmaster, currently working towards my second GM title in the Open division.
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