Avoid Murder Charges as a Conceal Carrier by Keeping Emotions in Check
If you carry a gun in self defense, you MUST be able to keep your emotions in check and MUST stop shooting when the threat is neutralized. Continuing the engagement after the threat has been neutralized is an excellent way to turn lawful self defense into attempted murder or even murder.
If you carry a gun in self defense, you MUST be able to keep your emotions in check and MUST stop shooting when the threat is neutralized. Continuing the engagement after the threat has been neutralized is an excellent way to turn lawful self defense into attempted murder or even murder.
Taking Self Defense Too Far
John has a great analysis in the video, but I would like to expand further on it.
This situation is very much in the murky area between self defense and murder. According to this news article, the two knew each other and were arguing over money. Because so many nations and states have different laws and court precedent concerning self defense, we’re going to have to speak vaguely. But in many states in the US, this started as a legal self defense. He was boxed in and being attacked with a metal bar.
The first shot was most definitely lawful self defense, the second most likely, but it’s that third shot that causes problems. There was a significant pause in-between shots, someone was breaking them up, and the attacker was cowering and no longer attacking. If the attacker had been continuing to attack, then the defender would have been justified in continuing to shoot.
What should he have done differently?
The best form of self defense is avoiding the confrontation in the first place. In this specific scenario, parking his car was probably the worst thing he could have done. It boxed him in and left him with very few options. If you’re in a road rage encounter or similar situation to this one, the best thing for you to do is keep driving and call the cops. Let them handle the confrontation.
If you get boxed in, like in a parking lot or at a traffic light, staying in your locked car is another excellent choice in many situations. Pull out a phone camera and start recording, a dash cam is also handy to have. Dealing with an insurance claim for a beaten up car is much better for everyone involved than all of the complications for a self defense shooting. In many situations, brandishing a firearm from inside a locked car is better than firing your gun from outside your car.
Remember though, everything is situational. Not all “game theory” works in all situations. Each self defense incident is different, not every technique works in every situation.
Shoot to stop the threat
Once the attacker is no longer a threat, either because he’s running away or incapacitated or surrendered – stop shooting. If the attacker has run away, we cannot pursue him as that’s no longer self defense. If the attacker is incapacitated or surrendered, keep your firearm ready incase it’s a trick, but stop shooting, and keep your head on a swivel looking for other attackers. Call the police, warn them that you are holding your attacker at gunpoint, provide a description of yourself, and follow all of their instructions when they arrive.
Know your local laws, avoid physical confrontation when at all possible, and only use your firearm as a last line of defense.
Written by Brian Purkiss - always a student, sometimes a teacher.
I don't consider myself a competition shooter - I think of myself as a performance pistol shooter. I am all about performing at as high of a level as possible. Towards that end, I am obsessive about learning how to perform. I spend a lot of my life learning from the best across the entire firearms world and even into other areas of performance and other sports. I am a USPSA Carry Optics Grandmaster, currently working towards my second GM title in the Open division.
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