
Improve pistol technique & training efficiency.

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Level Up Handgun Training


Lessons from Shooting with My Eyes Closed

There are some interesting lessons to be learned from shooting and/or training with your eyes closed.


How Important is Pistol Grip Pressure for Accuracy?

If a shooter is consistently missing to the left or right, what’s the cause?

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Pistol Fundamentals from the Army Marksmanship Unit

Focus on improving the fundamentals of pistol shooting to become a drastically better shooter – no matter the skill level.


How to Quickly Find Pistol Sights for Faster Accurate Shooting

John Lovell has some quick tips on how to quickly get handgun sights on target for fast and accurate fire.

A Small Change in Your Pistol Grip Makes a Big Difference

A few millimeters in your handgun grip can make a huge difference in your shooting speed and accuracy.


Stop Recoil Anticipation, Blinking, & Flinching While Shooting

Identify & fix recoil anticipation, blinking, and flinching with two simple drills.

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How to Control Recoil with the Handgun

Controlling handgun recoil is about proper technique, not simply pulling the trigger as quickly as possible. Work on proper technique to be able to accurately and quickly put rounds down range.


How to Manage Pistol Recoil with the Parallel Grip

Balancing speed and accuracy requires excellent recoil control. This grip is an excellent way to control recoil to maximize speed.